Dr. Liz 💖Connection Coach💖
2 min readSep 19, 2023

Hey there, extraordinary couples! Dr. Liz here, wishing you a day brimming with love, belly laughs, and unforgettable moments.

Today, let’s peel back the layers on a subject that’s an absolute passion of mine: sculpting your day with purpose, side by side with your beloved.

Mornings are genuinely like an empty canvas — vivid, fresh, and just waiting for the masterstrokes of your life’s brush. Have you ever considered how transformative it would be to kickstart your day with a shared “intentional moment” with your significant other? Whether it’s gearing up for the daily grind, concentrating on personal milestones, or carving out aspirations for your relationship, just a snippet of time can be a monumental catalyst.

You might think, “Dr. Liz, I’m drowning in to-dos. Where’s the time for this?” Well, here’s the thing — simplicity can be compelling. Forget about intricate plans; you only need a brief interlude over that morning brew amidst your breakfast chit-chat or while navigating the morning commute. The essence is to align and echo your dreams and aspirations for the day ahead, regardless of the geographical miles that may separate you later.

Consider this morning habit of placing everyday mini-deposits into a “Love & Connection Reserve.” With each sunrise, you’re planting kernels of affection, mutual respect, and cherished shared experiences. And when you face those unavoidable hiccups in life — because let’s not kid ourselves, they’re a given — you’ll have this overflowing chest of goodwill and emotional currency to draw upon.

Let’s be candid here: effortless love is a myth.

True love thrives on consistent, mindful nurturing. Flourishing couples treat their union like a sanctuary; they water, nourish, and watch it grow. My friends, the growth isn’t accidental; it blooms from small, meaningful actions of love, kindness, and thoughtfulness executed daily. Consider it the ‘compound interest’ of your emotional investment — yielding returns in everlasting love and a bond that can withstand the storms of life.

Feeling intrigued and want to supercharge your mornings? Snap up your FREE Couple’s Connection Checklist now! This invaluable guide is a treasure trove of hands-on advice to magnify your emotional closeness and give your relationship a morning glow-up.

Pouring out love and positive vibes, Dr. Liz 💕

Dr. Liz 💖Connection Coach💖

💖Dr Liz Jenkins 💖Connection Coach | Helping couples repair + reconnect with Couples Smart Restart™ 💕 75k hrs of exp | 35 yrs married | LMFT + Cert Coach